How to Create / Edit a Feature List in WHM

A feature list allows you to configure which options show up inside a cPanel account.

Step 1 - Log into WHM and click on Feature Manager.


Step 2 - To create a new Feature List, add the Feature List's name and then click Create.

To edit an existing Feature List, select it from the dropdown list then click Edit.


Step 3 - Select the features that you require, then click Save once done.

Note: The below image shows some of the options that will be present on this page. If in doubt, leave all the options enabled.
AutoSSL will allow this cPanel account to use our free, autorenewing SSL Certificates.
Zone Editor (A,CNAME) and (AAAA, CAA, SRV, TXT) will allow the cPanel account to create and manage their own DNS records assuming that the Nameservers point to this server.


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