How to Create, Terminate, List or Modify a cPanel account in WHM
This guide is designed for our Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated Server clients.
Create a cPanel account in WHM
Step 1 - Log into cPanel and select Create a New Account. You can also use the link on the List Accounts screen.

Step 3 - Enter the account details, as described below.

Domain: Enter the primary domain name of the cPanel account. Do not enter 'www.' before the domain.
Username: This can be left as the default value, but we would recommend a username of 8 characters or less. In some cases, if the cPanel username is over 8 characters this can impact your ability to easily restore from our automatic backups.
Password: Use a strong password that is not used anywhere else.
Email: This is optional, and determines the email address any cPanel notifications will be sent to. These include information on AutoSSL failures, Disk Usage warnings and other similar events.
Package: You can determine the resources allocated to your account. If you wish to give this cPanel account different limits to any current account, we'd strongly suggest Creating a New Package rather than choosing options manually.

We would recommend leaving the rest of these settings as their default values, except for the marked areas.
Mail Routing Settings: We recommend using 'Automatically Detect Settings' over 'Local'. The exception is when you have your Name Servers pointing externally, and you do not manage your emails on this server. In that case you would set the email routing to 'Remote'.
DNS Settings: We recommend enabling SPF for added mail security. This is not relevant if your Nameservers are pointing externally.
Step 4 - Click Create down the bottom of the page.
Terminate an Account in WHM
Warning: Once a cPanel account is terminated, all data (website, emails, etc.) on it is deleted and lost. If you have backups with us, we may be able to restore the account if it was deleted in the past 7 days. This can take some time to do, and charged may apply if you'd like our support team to do this for you. We highly recommend making and downloading full website backups using the cPanel Backup Wizard (as seen here) prior to terminating an account.
Step 1 - Log into WHM and navigate to Terminate Accounts.

Step 2 - (1) Select the account(s) you want to terminate.
(2) Click Remove Selected Accounts.

Step 3 - Confirm the deletion.
List all cPanel accounts in WHM
Step 1 - Log into WHM, then find and click on the List Accounts option.

For each account, you can click the + Sign on the left to bring up quick actions.
Modify a cPanel account in WHM
Note: This feature is only available to VPS and Dedicated Server customers as the feature requires Root level access.
Step 1 - Log into WHM and select List Accounts.

Step 2 - (1) Click on the + icon to the left of the account you want to modify, then (2) click the Modify Account option.

Step 3 - Change any of the following as needed:
Primary Domain
Account Owner
Contact Email
Default Local Language
cPanel Theme
Disk Quota
Monthly Bandwidth Limit
Step 4 - Click Save to apply the changes.