How to configure WHM notifications using the Contact Manager (VPS and Dedicated Server)

This function is for VPS and Dedicated Servers. Reseller clients don't have access to this feature as it requires root level server access. This optional feature in WHM allows you to receive email or phone notifications whenever certain actions are taken or limits are hit on your server.

Step 1 - Log into WHM and find the Contact Manager


Step 2 - The Communication Type window will show you the types of messaging services available to use and which priority of messages they're used for.


Step 3 - Click Edit to view the Contact Information page where you can edit your email, mobile number and other information. Scroll down the bottom and hit Save Changes once done.


Step 4 - In the Notifications area, you can select the importance of each alert. Make sure the checkbox is ticked for the alerts you want active. The Alert List will show which type of alerts are sent for an Alert Type when it is active.


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