Access Advanced Control for your VPS

Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to perform actions and maintenance on your VPS at a low, "hardware" level, such as rebooting, console access, establishing hypervisor-level firewall rules, reviewing performance data, checking logs and more.

Step 1 - Log into your Client Area and click on Active Services.


Step 2 - Click on the Manage icon next to the VPS you want to access, then select View Details.


Step 3 - On the following screen, click on the Advanced Control button.
Note: Some legacy VPS plans do not allow access to this area due to configuration requirements. If you do not see this button in your Client Area, submit a support ticket to confirm whether you can access this console another way.


Step 4 - You will be taken to our Hypervisor Platform, OnApp. Click on Virtual Servers on the left.


Step 5 - Click on your Virtual Server on the list.


From here, you can administer various aspects of your VPS.


Networking: From here you can manage VPS firewall rules, IP addresses and other Network Interfaces.
Console: You can launch the VPS Console using this button.
On / Off / Reboot: These server control actions allow you to manage the power status of your VPS. All actions show up in an Activity Log on the bottom of the page.

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