cPanel - Email Accounts - How to Create, Delete, Change Password and Quota, Suspend and Unsuspend
Before you start, to perform email related activities you will need to
log into cPanel and click on the
Email Accounts icon.
How to create an Email Account
We have a detailed guide on creating an email account, which you can find
How to Delete an Email Account
Warning: It's recommended you use Outlook or another email program to make a backup of emails before deleting the account, as emails may not be retrievable if accidentally deleted.
We have a detailed guide on deleting an email account, which you can find
How to Change an Email Account Password
We have a detailed guide on creating an email account, which you can find
How to Change an Email Account's Disk Quota
Step 1 - Find the account whose Quota is full and click Manage.

Step 2 - Scroll down to Storage, and update the Allotted Storage Space. If you select "Unlimited", the email account will be permitted to fill up until the entire CPanel account runs out of disk space. We'd recommend this for CPanel accounts with only a small amount of email accounts.

Step 3 - Click Update Email Settings at the bottom of the page.

Update Quota before cPanel v76
Step 1 - Click on (1) Disk and Quota for the account you want to update, (2) update the quota as you see fit, and then (3) Save.

How to Suspend / Unsuspend an Email Account
Step 1 - Find the account you wish to suspend / unsuspend and click Manage.

Step 2 - Select the restrictions you wish to impose then select Update Email Settings.

Update suspension before cPanel v76
Step 1 - Click Manage Suspension for the email account.

You have 3 Options:
Suspend Login - The user will be unable to login to this email account but emails will still be able to receive (but not send).
Suspend Receive - Emails sent to the account will be rejected but emails will be allowed to be sent out.
Suspend Send - Emails sent by the account will be rejected, but you will still be able to log into the email account.
Step 2 - Select the required option, then click Save.
For more tutorials on accessing emails and setting up email clients, view our Email Setup Guides