How to reset your password in Office 365

Note: You can enable your users to reset their own passwords without logging into the Office 365 management area by using this guide.

To reset your Office 365 Admin Area password, you can either follow the steps in this guide or use this link. If you've forgotten your Office 365 admin area password, we have a password recovery guide available. If you update this password, please let us know by submitting a Support Ticket.

Step 1 - Log into your Office 365 Management Area.

Step 2 - Select Users then Active Users.


Step 3 - Select the checkbox next to the user(s) required, then select Reset Password.


Step 4 - Select how you'd like the password to be generated, then select Reset.


Step 5 - Note the new password, and confirm if you'd like the password sent to an email address. Select Send Email and close.


Microsoft's guides on this topic can be found here:
Reset Office 365 business passwords
Set the password expiration policy for your organisation

For more information and tutorials on Office 365, see our Getting Started guide.

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